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John Keats 无情的妖女 - 日记 - 豆瓣
来自 : 豆瓣 发布时间:2021-03-25
O what can ail thee knight-at-arms,骑士啊,是什么苦恼你,Alone and palely loitering?独自沮丧地游荡?The sedge has wither\'d from the Lake,湖中的芦苇已经枯了,And no birds sing!也没有鸟儿歌唱!O what can ail thee knight-at-arms,骑士啊,是什么苦恼 你,So haggard and so woe-begone?这般憔悴和悲伤?The squirrel\'s granary is full,松鼠的小巢贮满食物,And the harvest\'s done.庄稼也都进了谷仓。I see a lily on thy brow,你的额角白似百合,With anguish moist and fever dew,垂挂着热病的露珠,And on thy cheeks a fading rose,你的面颊像是玫瑰,Fast withereth too—,正在很快地凋枯。I met a Lady in the Meads,我在草坪上遇见了,Full beautiful, a faery\'s child,一个妖女,美似天仙,Her hair was long, her foot was light,她轻捷、长发,而眼里,And her eyes were wild—,野性的光芒闪闪。I made a Garland for her head,我给她编织过花冠、,And bracelets too, and fragrant zone:,芬芳的腰带和手镯,She look\'d at me as she did love,她柔声地轻轻太息,And made sweet moan—,仿佛是真心爱我。I set her on my pacing steed,我带她骑在骏马上.,And nothing else saw all day long,她把脸儿侧对着我.,For sidelong would she bend and sing,我整日什么都不顾,A faery\'s song—,只听她的妖女之歌。She found me roots of relish sweet,她给采来美味的草根、,And honey wild and manna dew,野蜜、甘露和仙果,And sure in language strange she said,她用了一篇奇异的话, I love thee true —,说她是真心爱我。She took me to her elfin grot,她带我到了她的山洞,And there she wept and sigh\'d full sore,又是落泪.又是悲叹,And there I shut her wild wild eyes,她野性的、野性的眼。With kisses four.我在那儿四次吻着,And there she lulled me asleep,我被她迷得睡着了,And there I dream\'d—Ah Woe betide!啊,做了个惊心的噩梦,The latest dream I ever dreamt,我最近做的梦,On the cold hill\'s side.躺在这冰冷的山坡。I saw pale kings and princes too,我看见国王和王子,Pale warriors, death-pale were they all;还有无数的骑士,都苍白得像是骷髅;They cried La belle dame sans merci,他们叫道:无情的妖女,Hath thee in thrall. ,已把你作了俘囚!I saw their starv\'d lips in the gloam,在幽暗里,他们的瘪嘴,With horrid warning gaped wide,大张着,预告着灾祸;And I awoke and found me here,我一觉醒来,看见自己,On the cold hill\'s side.躺在这冰冷的山坡。And this is why I sojourn here,因此,我就留在这儿,Alone and palely loitering;独自沮丧地游荡;Though the sedge is wither\'d from the Lake,虽然湖中的芦苇已枯,And no birds sing—,也没有鸟儿歌唱。

本文链接: http://johnkings.immuno-online.com/view-719293.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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